Carbon Accounting for Companies

 Brussels - 10 DECEMBER 2024 

EU Directive takes effect in June 2024

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will take effect requiring some 50,000 companies doing business within the EU to report annually on their past and present greenhouse gas emissions. EU-companies affected will be:
(a) all listed companies. 
(b) and those that meet two of three conditions: €40 million in revenue, €20 million in assets, or 250 and more employees.

In addition, non-EU companies that have revenue over €150 million in the EU will also have to comply.

How to accurately calculate and manage your Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions 

The focus this year is to enable companies to better understand and increase transparency regarding the data requirements, methodologies for accounting and reporting — offering guidance for accounting and exchange of product life cycle emissions.

Learn the best practices for carbon accounting, storing and sharing.

Examine the developments in overcoming the obstacles by sharing primary data for Scope 3 emissions reporting.

With value chains and industries so intrinsically linked – one company’s Scope 3 emissions are another company’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions – no company can achieve transparency in isolation.

Engage suppliers in emissions reporting and setting reduction targets. is a

5295 North initiative


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